Tummy Tuck in Birmingham | Abdominoplasty

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck surgery, as the name suggests, involves “tucking” and removing the excess skin and fat around your tummy to create a fuller look and tighten weighed down muscles from the excess tissue. What’s imperative to understand is that an abdominoplasty is not a fat loss surgery method and not a replacement for weight loss. A tummy tuck surgery deals with the skin in your belly region, resolving any sagging folds and creating a flatter stomach in the process. Achieving a better frame is highly desirable, and majority of patients who solicit our clinic for tummy tuck surgery in Birmingham, opt for the procedure for this reason.

Get the best tummy tuck surgery in Birmingham, at Mr. Jag Jagadeesan’s clinic. We put your satisfaction and safety at the helm, clearing all your queries about the procedure and guaranteeing optimum results from your tummy tuck surgery.

Why Tummy Tuck Is Important

A tummy tuck surgery can be performed for cosmetic/aesthetic reasons in patients who are seeking a better body frame when other non-surgical methods like exercises for abdominal skin tightening have proved ineffective. Most common cause is following pregnancy when women struggle with excess skin even after losing their pregnancy weight and desire a better appearance. The other most common reason for tummy tuck at our Birmingham clinic is for body contouring following massive weight loss either following bariatric surgery or diet and exercises. In some cases, it has also been shown to alleviate back pain and support a better posture, as they are able to walk straighter due to the changes to their frame. Far and away the most popular reason for tummy tuck surgery in Birmingham, however, is to improve their self-confidence by getting the body look they desire.

Our plastic surgery clinic in Birmingham, provides a holistic experience from start to finish, making sure all bases are covered on the journey to a smooth tummy tuck journey for you, for long-term effective results.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Procedure

After meticulous consultation and medical screening, your surgeon will discern whether you require a full abdominoplasty, focusing on the whole abdomen, or a mini tummy tuck, which mostly focuses on the lower portion of your abdomen. In either case, anaesthesia is administered to reduce your discomfort and pain during the procedure.

  • When the inspection of the abdomen is complete, the surgeon will strategically make incisions along the abdomen for excess skin tissue removal.
  • In most patients, it is combined with liposuction to remove the excess fat in different parts of your tummy to make them even.
  • The existing skin around the site of each incision is then carefully tightened to reduce any sagging and give your body a more chiselled look.
  • The surgeon can also realign some muscles along the abdomen if required, contributing to the desired abdominal profile.
  • Any incisions made are duly sutured and sealed. An abdominoplasty typically takes around three hours of surgery, and you will be discharged after observation the day after surgery.

Visit our tummy tuck surgery clinic in Birmingham, for a hassle-free procedure with expert consultation and treatment by Mr. Jag Jagadeesan.

No, you will not have any notable abs after the surgery. However, a tummy tuck is a viable first step in getting towards that goal with dedicated abdominal exercises.

Barring other factors like subsequent weight gain and pregnancy, an abdominoplasty’s effects are permanent, as it involves skin tightening around the abdomen region.

An abdominoplasty does not deal with weight loss. It is often recommended to avoid abdominoplasty unless you are in a certain weight range to begin with for your body type, to minimise risks of potential side effects post-surgery.