Facelift and Necklift Surgery

Facelift and Necklift Surgery

Face and neck lifts are prescribed as a major aspect of facial contouring, to restore a more youthful appearance of face by addressing the droopiness of facial tissues. It is often performed in conjunction with fat transfer to different parts of the face to restore the lost volume in the face due to ageing. In general, facelifts entail smoothing out part of the deep wrinkles in your face, along with reshaping its proportions by “lifting” your facial tissue to better align with your bones. Facelift surgery in Birmingham is a commonly availed treatment for a multitude of reasons, from achieving better looks to reversing the effects of ageing, achieve a younger appearance . Facelifts usually focus on the regions of your face below your eye line, which can include necklifts in some cases, to prevent sagging jowls.

At Mr. Jag Jagadeesan’s clinic, we offer the best facelift surgery in Birmingham for clients seeking out facial surgery for a better appearance. We also cater to clients who opt for facelift surgery owing to medical reasons, ensuring their complete safety every step of the way.

Why Facelifts/Necklifts Are Important

Facelifts are prescribed for a wide range of reasons, some often overlapping with each other. By far one of the most popular factors is anti-ageing, for people who want to appear more youthful. This can be achieved by means of skin tightening and crease removal. In some cases, clients request facelifts to improve their facial proportions, usually after significant fat loss in the face area. Necklifts are specifically performed to reduce the prominence of fatty folds of skin in the jawline, or jowls and by repairing the muscle in the neck.

Depending on what the client requires, we prescribe expert facelift surgery in Birmingham to ensure stellar results. We offer tailored procedures based on specific client requirements, which includes a combination of facelifts, neck lifts and fat transfer. Mr. Jag Jagadeesan is well-trained in pinpointing the ideal procedures for optimum results, be it facelifts or necklifts. Avail the best facelift surgery in Birmingham by contacting our clinic today.

Facelift/Necklift Procedure

Before the procedure, your surgeon will ensure you’ve had a complete screening of your medical history, any prior surgeries and/or medications you may be under to ensure a safe procedure without any complications.

  • The first incision is typically made along the temples running through the earlobes connecting the scalp.
  • From this juncture, the fascial layer under the skin is tightened with stitches, excess skin with or without fat removal is performed. Mini facelifts are performed wherever necessary.
  • If a neck lift is required, an incision is made under the chin, and the muscle repair with or without excess fat is removed by the surgeon.
  • Sutures are applied to seal up the incisions and dressings and face lift garment applied.

Seek out the best facelift surgery in Birmingham at Mr. Jag Jagadeesan’s clinic and take a step closer to the facial features you desire.

No, you will only feel mild discomfort after the surgery as your incisions heal. You will be prescribed adequate pain killer medications prior to your discharge from hospital. In case of any concerns, please contact our clinic ASAP.

After observation, you will usually be discharged the day after the surgery. You will be prescribed medications for pain alleviation accordingly.

The results of your facelift procedure will typically be visible after your swelling subsides and your skin adjusts to the changes. This can be up to a few weeks after your operation.